West Ashley High School junior Ben Harley has been dedicated to improving his game all season while on the Varsity Boys Golf Team. He was excited to be named Athlete of the Week this week. “I wasn’t expecting it,” says Harley. “Ben has been working hard on all facets of his game this year,” says Varsity Boys Golf Coach Chance Cole. “And [he] has been dedicated to practicing every day.”
“I work really hard everyday [and] try to put my team first,” says Harley. This year at the Region tournament, Harley had the second best score from West Ashley High. At their last home match against Stratford, Harley reached his match low of 43. “His irons have been on fire for the last several days!” says Cole.
Even though he is on top of his game, Harley admits that golf can be a very difficult sport, especially the mental aspect of it. “I try not to get too frustrated while playing,” says Harley. He overcomes this challenge by playing and practicing more and more. “My teammates really help me,” he says. “[Ben] is really fun to be around and communicates well with his coaches and teammates,” says Cole.
Harley has many golf role models, and professional golfer Jordan Spieth is one of them. He looks up to Spieth because of all the obstacles he’s had to overcome and how he still manages to do so well. Harley also looks up to his grandfather because he has always been there for him and because he was the one who influenced Harley to start playing golf just three short years ago.
In addition to golf, Harley is also a member of the Varsity Cross Country Team and the Varsity Wrestling Team at West Ashley High. In his spare time, he likes to hang out with friends and go for runs. “I try to stay busy,” says Harley. “I don’t like being bored.”
Harley is doubtful that he will continue to play golf in college and isn’t too sure about which college he wants to attend, but he does plan to pursue a degree and career in the health field, most likely athletic training. Harley has taken some of the sports medicine classes that West Ashley High offers in order to help prepare him for college. Lucky for us, we still have Harley for another year. We look forward to seeing the great things he accomplishes next year both academically and athletically.