Abstract artist, educator. West Ashley resident, well traveled, born in and raised in Wales …
Describe your work?
My work is of an abstract nature with a subtle message. I use color, line and movement of mark in order to try to impart an atmosphere and sense of space.
I usually start by making drawings in the landscape, my work stems from a sense of place, be it referential to color, form, or a line seen in space. These drawings serve as meditations and find their way into my paintings where they act as metaphors for a deeper meaning.
What is most unique about your work?
I use local materials as a way to input more sense of place to the work.
What does a good day in the studio feel like?
Happy, so grounding and a sense of accomplishment. And a bad day: Frustration, usually caused by having to attend to other things!
Good art verses bad art:
Good art: It just works! Gets you in the gut! Exciting! Bad art: Too busy, no balance. Depends on taste, viewpoint … This could go on forever!
Favorite Artists:
Male: David Hockney, Frank Stella. Female: (All not at earning level of men) Cecily Brown, Pat Steir, Julie Mehretu
Earliest artsy memory?
Painting the view looking 5 miles down a valley on the Welsh borders, from our garden at home, for school homework. Just being able to lose oneself in the work and nature appealed to me and still does!
How does teaching impact your art?
It keeps me on my toes, questioning and staying current in order to stimulate a class and encourage their growth.
What is the next big thing for you?
I enjoy art residencies where there is time for quiet focus. I am currently working on a series entitled “Hiraeth” which means longing in Welsh, my place of birth and upbringing. This work is abstract and landscape based and so far stands at 18 pieces. I will take my time in finding the right place to show this work.
What is your non-art interest?
I am Reiki certified and practice.
Why does Art Matter?
Art allows a culture a voice be it of a serious nature or playful. Allows an artist the freedom of expression. Allows a child to develop confidence in themselves. Allows for sharing and enjoying.
Why are you beautiful?
(She wouldn’t answer so I will say that for a very famous and renowned artist, Lynne Riding is quite humble.)
Susan Irish is the founder and owner of Fabulon – Center for Art and Education. Each month she interviews a different local artist.
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